
NSAttributedAlert image

This is a custom alert panel that permits the use of NSAttribuedString to display html or rich text content within an alerts message or information display block.

I have tried to keep a similar interface to the original NSAlert class to make it easy to integrate the class into a project, it is still missing a chunk of functionality that comes out of the box with the standard Alert.

The custom alert panel came about due to my frustration with trying to alter the existing panel post layout to include an NSTextView that would contain the rich text content, I did ended up with a working solution. But altering the position of the Accessory View after the content was layed out felt kind of a brittle solution and could break if the NSAlert layout changed, also the code looked like the a massive hack. So the only solution I came to was to roll my own Alter Panel.


  • Supports no icon (unlike NSAlert which is set to null reverts to the Application Icon).
  • Restructures the contents (if not message is provided i shift the information block up etc).
  • Supports Clickable HTML or Rich Text links.


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface NSAttributedAlert : NSPanel

- (id) init;

- (NSImage*) icon;
- (void) setIcon:(NSImage*)image;

- (NSArray*) buttons;
- (void) addButtonWithTitle:(NSString*)title;

- (void) setMessageText:(NSString*)text;
- (void) setMessageText:(NSString*)text containsHtml:(BOOL)state;
- (void) setMessageAttributedText:(NSAttributedString*)text;

- (void) setInformativeText:(NSString*)text;
- (void) setInformativeText:(NSString*)text containsHtml:(BOOL)state;
- (void) setInformativeAttributedText:(NSAttributedString*)text;

- (void)setAccessoryView:(NSView *)view;
- (NSView *)accessoryView;

- (void) layout;

- (NSInteger) runModal;

- (void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)window
                     contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
#import "NSAttributedAlert.h"

static const int edgeInsetLeft = 20;
static const int edgeInsetRight = 40;
static const int edgeInsetTop = 18;

static const int edgeButtonsInsetBottom = 16;
static const int edgeButtonsInsetRight = 16;

static const int spacingx = 20;
static const int spacingy = 10;

@implementation NSAttributedAlert
    NSImageView * _iconview;
    NSTextView * _messageview;
    NSTextView * _informationview;
    NSView * _accessoryView;

    NSButton * _defaultButton;
    NSMutableArray * _buttons;

    BOOL _needslayout;
    NSInteger _code;

#pragma -- Public Functions

- (id) init
    NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 420, 200);
    if ( self = [super initWithContentRect:rect
                                     defer:YES] )
        _needslayout = YES;
        _buttons = [NSMutableArray array];

        [self setWorksWhenModal:YES];
        [self setBecomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES];
        [self setFloatingPanel:YES];
        [self setAnimationBehavior:NSWindowAnimationBehaviorAlertPanel];

        _iconview = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10, 120, 64, 64)];
        [_iconview setImage:[[NSApplication sharedApplication] applicationIconImage]];

        _messageview = [[NSTextView alloc] init];
        [_messageview setFont:[NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]]];
        [_messageview setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];
        [_messageview setDrawsBackground:NO];
        [_messageview setEditable:NO];
        [_messageview setSelectable:YES];
        [_messageview setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
        [_messageview setVerticallyResizable:YES];
        [_messageview setTextContainerInset:NSZeroSize];
        [[_messageview textContainer] setLineFragmentPadding:0.0f];
        [_messageview setToolTip:@""];
        [_messageview setFrame:NSMakeRect(84, 150, 300, 30)];
        [_messageview setHidden:YES];

        _informationview = [[NSTextView alloc] init];
        [_informationview setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]];
        [_informationview setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];
        [_informationview setDrawsBackground:NO];
        [_informationview setEditable:NO];
        [_informationview setSelectable:YES];
        [_informationview setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
        [_informationview setVerticallyResizable:YES];
        [_informationview setTextContainerInset:NSZeroSize];
        [[_informationview textContainer] setLineFragmentPadding:0.0f];
        [_informationview setToolTip:@""];
        [_informationview setFrame:NSMakeRect(84, 100, 300, 100)];
        [_informationview setAutoresizingMask:NSViewHeightSizable];
        [_informationview setHidden:YES];

        _defaultButton = [self createButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", nil)
        [self sizeToFitButton:_defaultButton];
    return self;

- (NSImage*) icon
    return [_iconview image];

- (void) setIcon:(NSImage*)image
    [_iconview setImage:image];

- (NSArray*) buttons
    return _buttons;

- (void) addButtonWithTitle:(NSString*)title
    [_buttons addObject:[self createButtonWithTitle:title
                                        isKeyButton:( [_buttons count] == 0 )]];

- (void) setMessageText:(NSString*)text
    [_messageview setString:text];
    [_messageview setHidden:[_messageview string] <= 0];

- (void) setMessageText:(NSString*)text containsHtml:(BOOL)state
    if ( state )
        [self setTextContent:_messageview WithHtml:text];
        [_messageview setString:text];
    [_messageview setHidden:[_messageview string] <= 0];

- (void) setMessageAttributedText:(NSAttributedString*)text
    [[_messageview textStorage] setValue:text];
    [_messageview setHidden:[_messageview string] <= 0];

- (void) setInformativeText:(NSString*)text
    [[_informationview textStorage] setAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text]];
    [_informationview setHidden:[_informationview string] <= 0];

- (void) setInformativeText:(NSString*)text containsHtml:(BOOL)state
    if ( state )
        [self setTextContent:_informationview WithHtml:text];
        [_informationview setString:text];
        [_informationview setHidden:[_informationview string] <= 0];

- (void) setInformativeAttributedText:(NSAttributedString*)text
    [[_informationview textStorage] setAttributedString:text];
    [_informationview setHidden:[_informationview string] <= 0];

- (void)setAccessoryView:(NSView *)view
    [_accessoryView removeFromSuperview];
    _accessoryView = view;

- (NSView *)accessoryView
    return _accessoryView;

- (void) layout
    _needslayout = NO;

    [self sizeButtonsToFit];
    [self sizeContentToFit];
    [self panelSizeToFit];

    [self layoutPanelButtons];
    [self layoutPanelContents];

- (NSInteger) runModal
    [self setupContentIfNeeded];

    return [[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow: self];

- (void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)window
                     contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
    [self setupContentIfNeeded];
    // TODO : Repace this call as it's depricated in the 10.9 sdk
    [[NSApplication sharedApplication] beginSheet: self
                                   modalForWindow: window
                                    modalDelegate: modalDelegate
                                   didEndSelector: alertDidEndSelector
                                      contextInfo: contextInfo];
    [[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow: self];

#pragma mark -- Private Functions

- (void) setupContentIfNeeded
    if ( _needslayout )
        [self layout];

    //[_messageview setNeedsLayout:YES];
    [_messageview resetCursorRects];
    [_messageview setToolTip:@""];

    [self disableCursorRects];
    //[self enableCursorRects];
    //[self resetCursorRects];

- (void) sizeContentToFit
    float width = [self contentWidth];
    if ( _accessoryView )
        float widthOfAccessoryView = [_accessoryView frame].size.width;
        if ( widthOfAccessoryView > width )
            float diff = widthOfAccessoryView - width;
            NSRect frame = [_contentView frame];
            frame.size.width += diff;
            [_contentView setFrame:frame];

            frame = [self frame];
            frame.size.width += diff;
            [self setFrame:frame display:NO];

            width = widthOfAccessoryView;

    NSRect messageFrame = [_messageview frame];
    NSRect informationFrame = [_informationview frame];

    messageFrame.size.width = width;
    informationFrame.size.width = width;

    [_messageview setFrame:messageFrame];
    [_informationview setFrame:informationFrame];

    [_messageview sizeToFit];
    [_informationview sizeToFit];

- (void) panelSizeToFit
    NSRect rect = [_contentView frame];
    float diff = [self frame].size.height - rect.size.height;

    rect.size.height = edgeInsetTop;
    if ( ![_messageview isHidden] )
        rect.size.height += [_messageview frame].size.height;
        rect.size.height += spacingy;
    if ( ![_informationview isHidden] )
        rect.size.height += [_informationview frame].size.height;
        rect.size.height += spacingy;
    if ( _accessoryView )
        rect.size.height += [_accessoryView frame].size.height;
        rect.size.height += spacingy;
    if ( [_buttons count] > 0 )
        rect.size.height += [[_buttons objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.height;
        rect.size.height += [_defaultButton frame].size.height;
    rect.size.height += edgeButtonsInsetBottom;
    [_contentView setFrame:rect];

    rect.size.height += diff;
    [self setFrame:rect display:YES];

- (void) layoutPanelContents
    NSRect rect = [_contentView frame];

    CGPoint offset = CGPointMake(edgeInsetLeft, rect.size.height - edgeInsetTop);
    if ( [_iconview image] )
        NSRect frame = [_iconview frame];
        frame.origin.x = offset.x;
        frame.origin.y = offset.y - (frame.size.height);
        [_iconview setFrame:frame];
        [_contentView addSubview:_iconview];

        offset.x += frame.size.width + spacingx;
        [_iconview removeFromSuperview];

    if ( ![_messageview isHidden] )
        NSRect frame = [_messageview frame];
        frame.origin.x = offset.x;
        frame.origin.y = offset.y - frame.size.height;
        [_messageview setFrame:frame];
        [_contentView addSubview:_messageview];

        offset.y -= frame.size.height + spacingy;
        [_messageview removeFromSuperview];

    if ( ![_informationview isHidden] )
        NSRect frame = [_informationview frame];
        frame.origin.x = offset.x;
        frame.origin.y = offset.y - frame.size.height;
        [_informationview setFrame:frame];
        [_contentView addSubview:_informationview];

        offset.y -= frame.size.height + spacingy;
        [_informationview removeFromSuperview];

    if ( _accessoryView != nil )
        NSRect frame = [_accessoryView frame];
        frame.origin.x = offset.x;
        frame.origin.y = offset.y - frame.size.height;
        [_accessoryView setFrame:frame];
        [_contentView addSubview:_accessoryView];

        offset.y -= frame.size.height + spacingy;

- (void) sizeButtonsToFit
    float width = [self contentWidth];
    float buttonsWidth = -27.0f;
    for ( NSButton * button in _buttons )
        buttonsWidth += [self sizeToFitButton:button];

    if ( buttonsWidth > width )
        float diff = buttonsWidth - width;
        NSRect frame = [_contentView frame];
        frame.size.width += diff;
        [_contentView setFrame:frame];

        frame = [self frame];
        frame.size.width += diff;
        [self setFrame:frame display:NO];

- (void) layoutPanelButtons
    NSRect rect = [_contentView frame];

    CGPoint offset = CGPointMake(rect.size.width - edgeButtonsInsetRight, edgeButtonsInsetBottom);

    if ( [_buttons count] > 0 )
        for ( NSButton * button in _buttons )
            NSRect frame = [button frame];
            frame.origin.x = offset.x - frame.size.width;
            frame.origin.y = offset.y;
            [button setFrame:frame];
            [_contentView addSubview:button];

            offset.x = frame.origin.x;

        if ( [_buttons count] == 3 )
            NSButton * button = [_buttons objectAtIndex:2];
            NSRect frame = [button frame];
            frame.origin.x = edgeInsetRight - (edgeButtonsInsetRight / 2);
            if ( [_iconview image] )
                frame.origin.x += [_iconview frame].size.width;
                frame.origin.x += spacingx;
            [button setFrame:frame];
        NSRect frame = [_defaultButton frame];
        frame.origin.x = offset.x - frame.size.width;
        frame.origin.y = offset.y;
        [_defaultButton setFrame:frame];
        [_contentView addSubview:_defaultButton];

- (float) contentWidth
    NSView * contentView = [self contentView];
    NSRect contentBounds = [contentView bounds];
    float width = contentBounds.size.width - ( edgeInsetLeft + edgeInsetRight );

    if ( [_iconview image] )
        width -= [_iconview bounds].size.width + spacingx;

    return width;

- (NSButton*) createButtonWithTitle:(NSString*)title isKeyButton:(BOOL)makeKey
    NSButton * button = [[NSButton alloc] init];
    [button setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
    [button setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
    [button setBordered:YES];
    [button setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 80, 30)];
    [button setState:0];
    [button setTarget:self];
    [button setAction:@selector(selectButton:)];
    [button setTitle:title];
    if (makeKey)
        [button setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"];
    return button;

- (float) sizeToFitButton:(NSButton*)button
    NSRect frame = [button frame];
    frame.size.width = [self widthForString:[button stringValue] font:[button font]] + 80.0f;
    [button setFrame:frame];
    return frame.size.width;

- (void) setTextContent:(NSTextView*)view WithHtml:(NSString*)text
    NSFont *font = [view font];
    NSString *html = [text stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@"</br>"];
    NSString *htmlWithFont = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<span style=\"font-family:'%@'; font-size:%dpx;\">%@</span>", [font fontName], (int)[font pointSize], html];
    NSData *data = [htmlWithFont dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSAttributedString * content = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithHTML:data documentAttributes:nil];
    [[view textStorage] setAttributedString:content];

- (float) widthForString:(NSString*)text font:(NSFont*)font
    NSMutableDictionary * attributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    attributes[NSFontAttributeName] = font;
    return [text sizeWithAttributes:attributes].width;

- (float) heightForString:(NSString*)text font:(NSFont*)font width:(float)width
    NSTextStorage *textStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:text];
    NSTextContainer *textContainer = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithContainerSize:NSMakeSize(width, FLT_MAX)];
    NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
    [layoutManager addTextContainer:textContainer];
    [textStorage addLayoutManager:layoutManager];
    [textStorage addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:font
                        range:NSMakeRange(0, [textStorage length])];
    [textContainer setLineFragmentPadding:0.0];

    (void) [layoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:textContainer];
    NSRect container = [layoutManager
    return container.size.height;

- (void) selectButton:(id)sender
    if ( [_buttons containsObject:sender] )
        _code = NSAlertFirstButtonReturn + [_buttons indexOfObject:sender];
        _code = 0;

    [[NSApplication sharedApplication] stopModalWithCode:_code];
    [[NSApplication sharedApplication] endSheet:self
    [self orderOut: nil];

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